About Corneal Gas Permeable (GP) Lenses
Made out of breathable rigid polymers, these annual replacement lenses offer crisp, long-lasting optics. Ideal for motivated patients who cannot adapt to soft contact lenses. About 8-12mm in diameter, these lenses rest on the cornea (the clear central part of the eyes).
Brands and Pricing
Valley Contax
- Custom Stable Sphere (1 lens): $130
- Custom Stable Multifocal/Astigmatism (1 lens): $200
Blanchard (Cooper Vision)
- Paragon HDS Sphere (1 lens): $90
- Paragon HDS for Astigmatism (1 lens): $160
- Paragon HDS Multifocal (1 lens): $250
All prices listed are estimates only and are subject to change. Not all options and add-ons are listed. For further inquiries, please call,text, or email our office.